Responsible Driving Courses in Colorado
Our Denver Traffic Violation Lawyers Can Help You
Responsible driving is not only a key to ensuring your safety on the road but also an important legal requirement in many circumstances. In Colorado, the state offers several ways for drivers to improve their driving skills and avoid legal repercussions after an incident.
Whether you’ve been ordered by a court to take a driving course, want to reduce points on your record, or seek to enhance your overall driving habits, responsible driving courses provide a valuable opportunity to fulfill these needs. This page outlines the types of courses available in Colorado, the legal implications of participating in such programs, and how they can impact your driving record and insurance rates.
Responsible Driving Courses in Denver
Below are a few links to providers who offers responsible driving courses/classes throughout the Denver Metro Area. These classes often address several misdemeanor offenses including traffic violations. Courts are often requiring some sort of additional driving course as a condition of a plea agreement for traffic violation cases involving minors.
Enrolling in defensive or responsible driving courses can often benefit minor drivers and those drivers facing possible driver’s license suspensions due to accumulation of points. Responsible driving courses can also benefit those who are looking to save money on insurance as most insurance companies offer incentives or discounts for completing defensive and/or responsible driving courses.
Please visit the links below to learn more about responsible driving, and defensive driving courses.
CIMA Remote Education
- Address: 8471 Turnpike Drive # 135, Westminster, Colorado 80031
- Email: info@cimaeducation.com
- Direct: 303-455-1285
- Enroll: 303-455-3553
- Toll Free: 800-373-1183
- Fax: 303-455-9285
- Website: https://cimaeducation.com/
Mutual Driving School
- Address: 6446 E. Hampden Ave., Denver, Colorado 80222
- Direct: 303-758-3575
- Enroll: 303-783-0711
- Website: http://www.mutualdrivingschool.com/
Peak Drivers Ed
- Address: 9719 W. Coal Mine Ave., Unit # H, Littleton, Colorado 80123
- Email: peakdriversed@qwestoffice.net
- Direct: 303-948-1971
- Website: http://www.peakdriversed.com
Driver Education Academy
- Address: 3333 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Suite # A-102, Lakewood, Colorado 80227; and
- Address:26689 Pleasant Park Road, Suite # A-280, Conifer, Colorado 80433
- Email: lakewoodcustomerservice@drivereducationacademy.com
- Direct: 303-988-1500
- Website: http://www.drivereducationacademy.com/
Colorado Driving Institute, LLC.
- Address: Boulder, Longmont and Broomfield Locations
- Email: info@coloradodrivinginstitute.com
- Direct: 303-818-ROAD (7623)
- Toll Free: 800-961-3191
- Fax: 303-443-7624
- Website: http://www.coloradodrivinginstitute.com/traffic-violations.html
- Address: Englewood, Lakewood, Colorado Springs, Loveland and Fort Collins Locations
- Direct: 303-627-4447
- Website: http://www.masterdrive.com/
Alive At 25
- Classes offered at hundreds of locations throughout the state of Colorado
- Email: info@aliveat25.us
- Direct: 720-269-4046
- Fax: 303-237-2067
- Website: http://aliveat25.us/
How to Enroll in a Responsible Driving Course in Colorado
Enrolling in a responsible driving course in Colorado is a relatively straightforward process. While the specific requirements may vary based on the course type and your personal situation, the following steps generally apply:
- Determine Which Course You Need: If the course is court-ordered, your attorney or the court will provide information on the specific course you need to complete. If you are taking a course voluntarily, you can choose between defensive driving, DUI education, or points reduction courses depending on your goals.
- Find an Approved Provider: Not all driving courses are accepted by the courts, DMV, or insurance companies. It is important to enroll in a program that is state-approved or meets the requirements set by the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). A list of approved courses is often available on the DMV’s website.
- Register for the Course: Once you have selected an approved course, you can usually register online, by phone, or in person. Courses are often offered both in-person and online, with some flexibility for completing the program at your own pace.
- Complete the Course: Responsible driving courses in Colorado typically require you to complete a set number of hours or lessons. For example, defensive driving courses may last between 4 and 8 hours, while DUI education courses can range from 12 to 24 hours, depending on the severity of the offense.
- Submit Proof of Completion: After successfully completing the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion. If the course is court-ordered, you must submit this certificate to the court or the DMV as proof that you have fulfilled your requirement. Failure to do so may result in additional penalties.
Don’t let a traffic violation or criminal charge impact your future. Schedule your free consultation today by calling us at (303) 747-4247 or reaching out online to connect with a dedicated Denver traffic offenses lawyer who can guide you through the process.

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