Attorney for Colorado Driver's License Issues
Turn to the Orr Law Firm for Help with Your License
After an arrest for DUI or another serious traffic offense, your top concern might be whether or not you'll be able to retain your driver's license or driving privileges. Revocation or suspension of your license could prevent you from transporting yourself to work or school, taking care of your kids or family, or completing everyday tasks.
Will you be able to keep your Colorado driver’s license after a serious traffic offense? This depends largely on the severity of your offense and how many points you have accumulated on your license to date.
At the Orr Law Firm, we often get calls from people who have plead guilty or were convicted in court and are finding out after the fact that their license is going to be suspended or revoked as a result. There is often very little an attorney can do – even experienced attorneys like those with our firm – after you have been convicted.
If you have been charged with a traffic violation that could put your driver's license at risk, it is critical that you contact us before going to court or pleading guilty.
If you face charges any criminal traffic charges, make sure to work with a knowledgeable attorney from Orr Law Firm. Our lawyers focus almost exclusively on DUI and traffic-related issues. We can represent you in both criminal proceedings and administrative hearings, and offer you the best chance at keeping your driving privileges.
You can call our firm today for assistance with the following:
- Per se violations
- Excessive point suspensions
- Persistent drunk drivers (PDDs)
- Out-of-state driver's license issues
- License suspension for underage DUI
- Commercial driver's license issues
- Express consent hearings
- Responsible driving courses
- Driver's license reinstatement
- Ignition interlock devices
- SR-22 insurance requirements
We are also available to provide counsel regarding a broad range of other matters related to DUI, traffic offenses, and criminal matters in Colorado. If you are facing a license suspension or revocation, or another threat to your driving privileges, seek help from the Denver driver's license lawyers at the Orr Law Firm right away.
Our Denver driver's license attorneys are ready to help, so don't wait to contact the Orr Law Firm. We offer FREE initial consultations and, while our office is based in Denver, we represent clients statewide. Call (303) 747-4247 to get started.

What Sets Us Apart From The Rest?
Orr Law Firm is here to help you get the results you need with a team you can trust.