Effective Guidance from Our Denver Criminal Defense Lawyers
The Orr Law Firm is a criminal defense law firm that focuses almost exclusively on drunk driving and criminal traffic defense in the state of Colorado.
If you have been charged with one of the below offenses, call our Denver DUI attorneys today to schedule a free phone consultation and to discuss our fee structure for representation:
- Vehicular Assault
- Vehicular Homicide
- Vehicular Eluding
- Careless Driving While Causing Bodily Injury or Death
- Habitual Traffic Offenses
- Minor in Possession
- Texting While Driving
- Driving Under Restraint
- Driving While Suspended
- DMV Hearings
- Criminal Traffic Offenses
- DUI and Criminal Traffic Appeals
Our Denver criminal defense lawyers represents clients with any combination of the above charges in county court, district court, federal court and municipal court within the Denver Metro Area and Colorado’s Front Range.
The Orr Law Firm offers flat fees and payment plans. If you are looking for cheap representation or shopping for price, we aren't the right partners for you. We come with decades of experience, and it shows in our work and price. Quality representation costs money, but your freedom (whether it be personal, your ability to travel, your career, or your future earning potential) should not have a discount price tag attached to it.
Before you contact us, ask yourself how much your future is worth to you? We just want you to set proper expectations for both yourself, and for us when it comes to fees. We are a high quality firm, and you deserve high-quality results.
The Orr Law Firm offers:
- Flat Fees
- No Hidden Fees or Costs
- Payment Plans Available
- Major Credit Cards Accepted
- Personal Checks and Cash Accepted
- FREE Consultations
Disclaimer: Be wary of attorneys who offer you "quality representation at a low cost." This combination usually does not work out well for the Defendant. Quality representation comes at a higher cost. While we feel our rates are comparable to the quality of representation you will receive, they are not low cost.
Remember you get what you pay for, especially when it comes to hiring an attorney. Call (303) 747-4247 today for a no obligation, FREE consultation to discuss your case and how our Denver DUI lawyers can help. What you do in the first seven days after your Colorado DUI arrest is critical in protecting your rights and privilege to drive! Call today!

What Sets Us Apart From The Rest?
Orr Law Firm is here to help you get the results you need with a team you can trust.