Protect Your Rights During a DUI Stop in Colorado
Pulled Over? Call Our Denver DUI Lawyers Now.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can lead to serious consequences. In addition to putting yourself and others in danger, you risk being arrested and subsequently facing harsh legal penalties. The best way to prevent these scenarios is to avoid operating a vehicle after you've been drinking or consuming drugs.
However, in the event that you do get pulled over on suspicion of DUI, it's important to know how to protect your rights. At The Orr Law Firm, our Denver DUI defense attorneys are well aware of the pseudo-science and government propaganda surrounding DUI arrests, which is why we created the below infographic, "How to Protect Your Rights." In it, you'll find a comprehensive outline of steps you'll need to follow if you're pulled over, as well as helpful advice from experienced drinking and driving lawyers.
After an arrest, don't hesitate to call our Denver DUI lawyers at (303) 747-4247 for the help you need today!
DUI Facts
- Here are some facts about DUI arrests that you may not even be aware of:
- It is within your rights to refuse a blood or breath test, but this refusal will lead to a mandatory one-year license revocation.
- Roadside sobriety tests and preliminary breath tests are both 100 percent voluntary, and drivers are advised to decline taking them You have the right to remain silent and, as such, you do not have to answer any of the questions the police officer asks you.
Of course, you can find out more detailed information about DUI arrests by reading through the infographic or visiting our DUI Frequently Asked Questions section of our website.
As always, if you have been charged with DUI or any other driving-related offense in the state of Colorado, there are traffic attorneys and drinking and driving lawyers who are here to help. At The Orr Law Firm, our skilled DUI attorneys in Denver have the depth of experience needed to take on these cases. We will competently and diligently review your case and defend you in a court of law, doing everything in our power to ensure that a fair outcome is reached.

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Orr Law Firm is here to help you get the results you need with a team you can trust.