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Do Police Need a Warrant to My Car?

Do Police Need a Warrant to My Car?

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens of the United States against unlawful search and seizure, whether it is on your person, your home, or your vehicle. If police officers search your car without a warrant or your consent, they are in violation of your constitutional rights.

On the other hand, there are several situations in which law enforcement can search a vehicle without a warrant or your permission. So when is it fine for police to search your vehicle without a warrant?

Common circumstances that do not require a warrant include:

  • You can provide consent to the police officer
  • The officer has probable cause that there is evidence of a crime in your vehicle
  • The officer reasonably believes a search is necessary for his or her own protection
  • You are under arrest and a search is required after an arrest

If police officers have a reasonable and valid suspicion that a motorist has violated a traffic law, they can stop the suspected vehicle. If the reason for the stop is a minor traffic offense, the officer would not be allowed to search your vehicle.

If law enforcement has towed or impounded your car, they have the authority to conduct a search. However, police cannot tow and impound your vehicle for the sole purpose of searching it.

If you were a victim of an unlawful search and seizure in Colorado, contact our Denver DUI attorney at The Orr Law Firm to find out more information today.