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Colorado Launches 'Good to Know' Marijuana Awareness Campaign

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Despite having been legalized for well over a year now, there is still no shortage of misinformation floating around the likes of recreational marijuana use or stoned driving. To help clear the air about these misconceptions and ensure that Coloradoans are as informed as possible about what using cannabis entails, the state government is launching a major new awareness campaign, "Good To Know."

ThinkProgress reports that the $5.7 million initiative will put together fact sheets, radio ads and community seminars — complete with eye-catching visuals and even folk songs — to get the word out about what is and isn't legal about recreational marijuana use in Colorado. One example that the source cites is the campaign's "Public space is not the place" tagline, meant to hammer home the point that just because it's legal to smoke marijuana, doesn't mean it's legal to smoke outside in public.

Good To Know represents a significant 180 from previous outreach efforts, where marijuana-smoking teens were depicted as "lab rats" in "giant rat cages" as a commentary on the drug's detrimental effects for developing brains. This negative messaging fell under sharp criticism from advocates, who slammed the anti-drug campaign as ineffective fear-mongering.

"I've always said we need to start treating marijuana like the drug it is, not the drug some fear it to be," State Rep. Jonathan Singer (D), one of the leading voices behind Colorado's legalization push, tells USA Today. To that end, Good To Know represents an attempt to get across a more balanced and educational message about appropriate marijuana use, rather than serving as another "aversion campaign."

While driving under the influence of marijuana is still a major talking point in the debate, it's important to remember that it's still a serious offense that can have accused drivers looking at fines, a revoked license and even time in jail. For expert attorneys that can defend your case under Colorado marijuana laws, contact The Orr Law Firm today.
