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Studies: More American Women than Men Are Driving Drunk

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Research conducted over the last few years points to a disturbing new trend: More women across the United States are driving drunk, and at higher rates than men.

According to news affiliate WCPO-9, female drunkenness in America grew by 18 percent between 2003 and 2012. During that same nine-year period, the number of female DUI cases increased by over 20 percent. In the last six years alone, there has been an additional 30 percent jump in female drunk driving.

All of which begs the question, what's causing American women to drink and, inevitably, get behind the wheel while intoxicated more often?

The news outlet cites data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which determined that one in every eight women in America binge drink -- having at least four alcoholic drinks in one sitting -- three times a month. An additional study, published in last October's edition of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, also concludes that college-aged women drink more than college-aged men do now. Considering these two trends, coupled with the fact that there are now 2 million more women drivers in the U.S. than males, it's easy to see why female drunkenness and DUI is on the rise.

A separate survey, whose findings were presented at an American Sociological Association (ASA) meeting in Denver two years ago, also points to another possible cause: marriage.

"New research examining relationships and the use of alcohol finds that while a long-term marriage appears to curb men's drinking, it's associated with a slightly higher level of alcohol use among women," states a University of Cincinnati press release that announced the ASA event. "[The study] found that married women consumed more drinks [...] in part because they live with men who have higher levels of alcohol use."

Male or female, if you're a Colorado driver accused of DUI, it behooves you to hire the right DUI attorney that can represent you in court. For expert DUI legal counsel, contact The Orr Law Firm.
