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Tips for Safe Mountain Driving in Colorado This Summer

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Summer’s not over yet, which means that there’s still some time to take advantage of longer days of fun in the sun. If your summer vacation or “staycation” plans include driving around the rocky mountains in Colorado, be sure to check out some of the safe driving tips below!

Make Sure Your Vehicle’s Maintenance Is Up to Date

Driving around Colorado, especially the mountainous regions, exposes your vehicle to all kinds of stresses from its surroundings. High-elevation roads can do a number on your transmission and brakes, and having well-maintained suspension and steering can reduce the risk of an incident on unpaved roads. Mechanics can also make sure your instruments are properly calibrated so that you always have an accurate interpretation of your speed and how much gas is left in the tank!

Maintain Proper Fluid Levels

Believe it or not, a car accident can happen when a vehicle’s fluids aren’t properly maintained. This is especially true for brake, transmission, and power steering fluids – if there’s a leak involving any one of these, it can have significant consequences for your ability to control your vehicle.

You’ll also want to check your engine oil and coolant levels. You don’t want your engine or radiator to seize up or quit while you’re out in the mountains!

Avoid Distracted Driving at All Times

Distracted driving is often associated with cell phone use, but it includes many different types of behavior. Whether you’re engaged with your passengers, rubbernecking a sight on the side of the road, or eating, behaviors such as these can all take your attention away from what’s going on in the road.

Always Watch Your Speed Going Downhill

If you’re going downhill on a mountain road, controlling your speed is crucial. It’s easy to pick up speed very quickly because the downward incline may not appear as dramatic as it really is. Inattentive or distracted drivers who simply coast after cresting a hill can rapidly gain speed that can be dangerous or impossible to bleed off before reaching an oncoming obstacle or curve in the road.

Always Look for Motorists, Pedestrians, Cyclists & Animals

The mountains are a great place for summer recreation for people and they’re home to all sorts of large animals such as deer, bighorn sheep, moose, elk, bears, and cougars. People and animals are often in the road, which makes it important for drivers to always be aware of what’s going on ahead of them.

By driving at or below the speed limit and avoiding distractions, drivers can reduce the risk of causing an accident or becoming a victim to someone else’s negligent or reckless driving.

What If I Get Injured in a Car Accident?

If your trip to the mountains didn’t go as you planned, you may have become injured as a result of another driver’s negligent or reckless driving. If you believe this happened to you, reach out to an attorney as soon as possible to learn more about your legal options.

You may be able to recover damages that include compensation for medical bills, lost wages during your recovery, pain and suffering, and more – but only if you get a professional attorney to assist you with your claim.

For more information about how the Orr Law Firm can help, please contact us online!