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Ask Attorneys in Denver: How to Behave at an Arraignment

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Previously on this blog, we've covered the topic of arraignments, explaining that if you're arrested for vehicular homicide, vehicular assault, vehicular eluding or another driving-related crime, this will be one of the first steps in the legal process. If it's your first time attending an arraignment, it's natural to require some guidance as you prepare to interact with a judge for the first time. As you might expect, the way you present yourself is incredibly important. In today's post, we'll share some helpful tips on how to behave at an arraignment:

Dress nicely - In many cases, defendants are in jail right up until their arraignment, but if you can, have one of your family members or friends bring some nice clothing to the courthouse so you can change into a suit or dress before you meet with the judge.

Show up on time - It's important to make a good first impression on the judge, so you need to arrive promptly. Plan to get to the courthouse about 10 to 15 minutes before your arraignment is scheduled. By showing up on time, you'll demonstrate that you're taking this seriously and—more importantly—you won't waste anyone's time.

Treat the judge with respect - When the judge gives you an order, respond immediately. And, even if you disagree with his or her final decision, react calmly. At the end of your arraignment, thank the judge.

In the event that you're arrested for a serious driving-related crime in the state of Colorado, it's in your best interest to contact a law firm in Denver as soon as possible. The experienced professionals at The Orr Law Firm are here to help whenever you need us.
